Abstraction in Java With Realtime Example Program

Abstract class in real world:

Let us take an example of graphic objects. Different graphic objects are there such as circle, rectangle, triangle etc. They all have state defined by their positions, colour etc. and behaviour defined by draw, resize, calculate size etc. As all these object types has common things but with different implementations. We can take advantage of common things with different implementations and put these common things in an abstract class (say GraphicObjects) then extends this class in subclasses to provide specific implementations.

Abstract class in java:

Abstract class is a way of implementing 0 to 100% abstraction. A class declared with abstract keyword is known as an abstract class. An abstract class may or may not contain abstract method. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated.


abstract class className {

   // declare fields

   // declare abstract/non-abstract methods


Abstract method:

A method with no implementation i.e. without braces and followed by a semicolon.


abstract return_type methodName();


                    /**  * This program is used to show simple use of abstract class.  * @author W3spoint  */                    abstract                    class                    GraphicObjects{                    //abstract method declaration                    abstract                    void                    showShape(                    )                    ;                    }                    class                    Circle                    extends                    GraphicObjects{                    /**                  * This is the overridden method, provide implementation                  * of abstract method according to your need.                  * @author W3spoint                  */                    void                    showShape(                    )                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Object type is Circle."                    )                    ;                    }                    }                    class                    Rectangle                    extends                    GraphicObjects{                    /**                  * This is the overridden method, provide implementation                  * of abstract method according to your need.                  * @author W3spoint                  */                    void                    showShape(                    )                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Object type is Rectangle."                    )                    ;                    }                    }                    class                    Triangle                    extends                    GraphicObjects{                    /**                  * This is the overridden method, provide implementation                  * of abstract method according to your need.                  * @author W3spoint                  */                    void                    showShape(                    )                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Object type is Triangle."                    )                    ;                    }                    }                    public                    class                    AbstractClassExample1                    {                    public                    static                    void                    main(                    String                    args[                    ]                    )                    {                    //GraphicObjects is the super class                    //hence it's reference can contain subclass object.                    GraphicObjects obj                    =                    new                    Circle(                    )                    ;                    obj.showShape                    (                    )                    ;                    obj                    =                    new                    Rectangle                    (                    )                    ;                    obj.showShape                    (                    )                    ;                    obj                    =                    new                    Triangle(                    )                    ;                    obj.showShape                    (                    )                    ;                    }                    }                  

/** * This program is used to show simple use of abstract class. * @author W3spoint */ abstract class GraphicObjects{ //abstract method declaration abstract void showShape(); } class Circle extends GraphicObjects{ /** * This is the overridden method, provide implementation * of abstract method according to your need. * @author W3spoint */ void showShape() { System.out.println("Object type is Circle."); } } class Rectangle extends GraphicObjects{ /** * This is the overridden method, provide implementation * of abstract method according to your need. * @author W3spoint */ void showShape() { System.out.println("Object type is Rectangle."); } } class Triangle extends GraphicObjects{ /** * This is the overridden method, provide implementation * of abstract method according to your need. * @author W3spoint */ void showShape() { System.out.println("Object type is Triangle."); } } public class AbstractClassExample1 { public static void main(String args[]){ //GraphicObjects is the super class //hence it's reference can contain subclass object. GraphicObjects obj = new Circle(); obj.showShape(); obj = new Rectangle(); obj.showShape(); obj = new Triangle(); obj.showShape(); } }


                    Object                    type is Circle.                    Object                    type is                    Rectangle.                    Object                    type is Triangle.

Object type is Circle. Object type is Rectangle. Object type is Triangle.

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If a class have one abstract method it must be an abstract class but vice versa is not true i.e. it is not necessary that an abstract class have an abstract method.


                    abstract                    class                    GraphicObjects{                    //no error                    //non-abstract method declaration                    void                    showShape(                    )                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Print object shape."                    )                    ;                    }                    }                  

abstract class GraphicObjects{//no error //non-abstract method declaration void showShape(){ System.out.println("Print object shape."); } }

                    //error here class must be abstract if it                                        //have one or more abstract methods.                    class                    GraphicObjects{                    //abstract method declaration                    abstract                    void                    showShape(                    )                    {                    }                  

//error here class must be abstract if it //have one or more abstract methods. class GraphicObjects{ //abstract method declaration abstract void showShape(){ }

If a class extends abstract class than either it has to provide implementation of all abstract methods or declare this class as abstract class.


                    /**  * This program is used to show that a class either   * have to provide implementation  * of all abstract methods of extended abstract   * class or declare abstract itself.  * @author W3spoint  */                    abstract                    class                    GraphicObjects{                    //abstract method declaration                    abstract                    void                    showShape(                    )                    ;                    }                    class                    Circle                    extends                    GraphicObjects{                    /**                  * This is the overridden method, provide implementation                  * of abstract method according to your need.                  * @author W3spoint                  */                    void                    showShape(                    )                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Object type is Circle."                    )                    ;                    }                    }                    class                    Rectangle                    extends                    GraphicObjects{                    //error here, Rectangle class have to provide implementation                    //of all abstract methods of extended abstract class.                    }                    abstract                    class                    Triangle                    extends                    GraphicObjects{                    //no error here, because Triangle class is declared                    //as an abstract class                    }                    public                    class                    AbstractClassExample2                    {                    public                    static                    void                    main(                    String                    args[                    ]                    )                    {                    //GraphicObjects is the super class                    //hence it's reference can contain subclass object.                    GraphicObjects obj                    =                    new                    Circle(                    )                    ;                    obj.showShape                    (                    )                    ;                    }                    }                  

/** * This program is used to show that a class either * have to provide implementation * of all abstract methods of extended abstract * class or declare abstract itself. * @author W3spoint */ abstract class GraphicObjects{ //abstract method declaration abstract void showShape(); } class Circle extends GraphicObjects{ /** * This is the overridden method, provide implementation * of abstract method according to your need. * @author W3spoint */ void showShape() { System.out.println("Object type is Circle."); } } class Rectangle extends GraphicObjects{ //error here, Rectangle class have to provide implementation //of all abstract methods of extended abstract class. } abstract class Triangle extends GraphicObjects{ //no error here, because Triangle class is declared //as an abstract class } public class AbstractClassExample2 { public static void main(String args[]){ //GraphicObjects is the super class //hence it's reference can contain subclass object. GraphicObjects obj = new Circle(); obj.showShape(); } }


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An abstract class can have both static and non-static data members and methods like any other java class.


                    /**  * This program is used to show that abstract class can have both static  * and non-static data members and methods like any other java class.  * @author W3spoint  */                    abstract                    class                    GraphicObjects{                    //non static data member                    int                    var1                    =                    50                    ;                    //static data member                    static                    String                    str1                    =                    "www.w3spoint.com"                    ;                    //abstract method declaration                    abstract                    void                    showShape(                    )                    ;                    //non abstract, non static method                    void                    area(                    int                    area)                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Area = "                    +                    area)                    ;                    }                    //non abstract, static method                    static                    void                    displayGraphicObjects(                    )                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Graphic objects."                    )                    ;                    }                    }                    class                    Circle                    extends                    GraphicObjects{                    /**                  * This is the overridden method, provide implementation                  * of abstract method according to your need.                  * @author W3spoint                  */                    void                    showShape(                    )                    {                    System.out.println                    (                    "Object type is Circle."                    )                    ;                    System.out.println                    (                    "Non static variable = "                    +                    var1)                    ;                    }                    }                    public                    class                    AbstractClassExample3                    {                    public                    static                    void                    main(                    String                    args[                    ]                    )                    {                    //GraphicObjects is the super class                    //hence it's reference can contain subclass object.                    GraphicObjects obj                    =                    new                    Circle(                    )                    ;                    obj.showShape                    (                    )                    ;                    obj.area                    (                    250                    )                    ;                    //call static method and variable with class name.                    GraphicObjects.displayGraphicObjects                    (                    )                    ;                    System.out.println                    (                    "static variable = "                    +                    GraphicObjects.str1                    )                    ;                    }                    }                  

/** * This program is used to show that abstract class can have both static * and non-static data members and methods like any other java class. * @author W3spoint */ abstract class GraphicObjects{ //non static data member int var1 = 50; //static data member static String str1 = "www.w3spoint.com"; //abstract method declaration abstract void showShape(); //non abstract, non static method void area(int area){ System.out.println("Area = " + area); } //non abstract, static method static void displayGraphicObjects(){ System.out.println("Graphic objects."); } } class Circle extends GraphicObjects{ /** * This is the overridden method, provide implementation * of abstract method according to your need. * @author W3spoint */ void showShape() { System.out.println("Object type is Circle."); System.out.println("Non static variable = " + var1); } } public class AbstractClassExample3 { public static void main(String args[]){ //GraphicObjects is the super class //hence it's reference can contain subclass object. GraphicObjects obj = new Circle(); obj.showShape(); obj.area(250); //call static method and variable with class name. GraphicObjects.displayGraphicObjects(); System.out.println("static variable = " + GraphicObjects.str1); } }


                    Area                    =                    250                    Graphic objects.                    static                    variable                    =                    www.w3spoint.com                  

Area = 250 Graphic objects. static variable = www.w3spoint.com

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Why abstract class is used:

Abstract class in java is used to implement 0 to 100% abstraction.
Note: Abstract class provide 0 to 100% abstraction because it may contain no abstract method or it may contain some of its methods as abstract methods or it may contain all its methods as abstract methods.

Can abstract class have constructors in Java?

Yes, abstract class have constructors in java. But it is not used to instantiate abstract class. It is used in constructor chaining or to initialize abstract class common variables.

Can abstract class be final in Java?

Java interview questions on interface and abstract class

  • What is interface in java?
  • Can we declare an interface method static in java?
  • Can an interface be declared final in java?
  • What is marker interface and how we can create it?
  • What is difference between abstract class and interface in java?
  • What is abstract class in java?
  • Why abstract class is used in java?
  • Can abstract class have constructors in java?
  • Can abstract class be final in java?
  • Can we declare local inner class as abstract?

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Source: https://www.w3schools.blog/abstract-class-in-java

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